Hundreds of questions, on any subject, in any language, can be programmed for your customized questionnaire.
Factual data is collected by EventCorp at the “point-of-experience” using proven, user-friendly portable data collection devices.
Survey results are retrieved, tabulated and reported daily, allowing you to immediately act upon the data collected.
We provide a host of interactive analytic tools that will help you visualize and bring your data to life.
Unlike the personal intercept approach where there is an interviewer, there is no possibility to influence the respondent’s perception of a question and the choice of answer that a respondent might choose.
Having worked with many events, fairs, conference, leagues, venues and partners, Eventcorp is uniquely positioned to provide blind average benchmarking to further contextualize results, as well as deploy advanced algorithms to determine best length, composition, and order of questions to yield best possible sample.
Our data collection equipment has the collective capacity to generate a sample which will yield results within confidence intervals of plus or minus 5%, nineteen times out of twenty.
Able to collect up to 3 times more surveys on the kiosks versus inter-personal intercepts.
We supply survey creation & design, on-site data collection and full-service reporting.